
Proving UTXO set inclusion in zero-knowledge

Proving UTXO set inclusion in zero-knowledge

Original Postby Davidson

Posted on: September 18, 2024 17:19 UTC

The discussion revolves around an innovative approach to enhancing blockchain functionality, specifically focusing on the integration and improvement of accumulator schemes.

The person involved has initiated a project aimed at incorporating private key commitments into the blockchain transaction process, thereby preventing replay attacks. This method involves hashing the private key as a part of the commitment and also includes the current accumulator state to ascertain the validity of transactions up to a certain height. This is critical because the utreexo accumulator, which underpins the project, dynamically evolves with each block added to the blockchain and must be recalculated accordingly.

To facilitate access to the current roots and validate given unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs), the individual suggests using tools such as utreexod or floresta. These tools are essential for engaging with the utreexo model effectively. Moreover, there's an ongoing consideration about the distinctiveness of the commitment scheme employed by utreexo. This scheme is slightly different from conventional models, as highlighted in a specific segment of the Floresta project documentation. The contemplation here seems to revolve around whether to integrate this unique scheme into rustreexo or maintain exclusivity over the accumulator algorithms. This decision underscores the continuous exploration and potential adaptations required to refine and optimize blockchain technologies.