
RFC: simplifications and suggestions on open/accept limits.

RFC: simplifications and suggestions on open/accept limits.

Original Postby Conner Fromknecht

Posted on: November 9, 2018 06:53 UTC

A user named Alexis Petropoulos sent an email asking for assistance in unsubscribing from an email list.

Conner replied, stating that the link to unsubscribe can be found in the footer of the Linux list. The email thread then switches to a discussion on simplifications and suggestions on open/accept limits in lightning-dev. Gert-Jaap Glasbergen shares his thoughts on allowing the freedom to choose between satoshis and millisatoshis as the smallest fraction. This would have trade-offs, including overpaying fees in whole satoshis if someone routes your payment. The discussion ends with Gert-Jaap offering to further analyze the consequences of this choice and come up with a proposal for the specification.