
Zawy’s Alternating Timestamp Attack

Zawy’s Alternating Timestamp Attack

Posted on: August 14, 2024 18:32 UTC

The discussion revolves around the implementation of specific rules to enhance the security and integrity of blockchain mining processes.

The primary suggestion includes the enforcement of a 2-hour Future Time Limit (FTL) coupled with a rule that prohibits any block from being timestamped more than 2 hours before the timestamp of any of its predecessors. This approach aims to mitigate vulnerabilities such as the timewarp attack and a specified attack by ensuring that honest miners adhere to a protocol similar to the Preceding Timestamp Limit (PTL), albeit indirectly. The proposed method is highlighted as being simpler than the Median Time Past (MTP) rule while promising to achieve comparable results for participants abiding by the regulations. This strategy underscores an effort to streamline blockchain operations while maintaining robust security measures against potential exploits.